Earn $BNB by holding MoonFarmer
5% of every transaction is redistributed to all $MFM holders, the more you hold more you can claim
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5% of every transaction is redistributed to all $MFM holders, the more you hold more you can claim
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As mentioned, one of the privileges reserved to our holders is the BNB reward!
We believe that this is an appreciated reward therefore; we have implemented it to be the 5% of every transaction made. This will be re-distributed to all $MFM holders and will be claimable from our website under the “Claim BNB” section.
Each holder will be able to make a claim on a daily basis.
If a buy transaction is made during the waiting day, this will affect and increase the personal “Claim BNB” waiting time proportionally to the amount added on the holding wallet.
Per instance, if you add up more 40% $MFM, you will have to wait 40% x 1 (9.6 hours). This means that you will be able to claim your BNB after 1 day and 9.6 hours.
The maximum waiting increase has been fixed at X2 your original holding therefore if in a waiting period you decide to increase your holding by 100% +, your waiting time will not surpass the 2 days no matter how much more you add on your holding.
This is to prevent people from trying to cheat by adding $MFM at the end of the waiting time just to take advantage of the claimable amount increase.